Hi David,

On 4/13/22 21:27, David Cantrell wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 09:03:09PM +0200, Hans de Goede wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 4/13/22 18:07, David Cantrell wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 10:39:23AM -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Apr 13 2022 at 10:54:01 AM -0400, David Cantrell
>>>> <dcantr...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> The core issue still comes down to having resources to continue
>>>>> maintaining
>>>>> BIOS boot support in Fedora and so far no one has come forward to work
>>>>> on
>>>>> that.
>>>> It's not true, although you can be forgiven for missing it in such a 
>>>> massive
>>>> thread. Hans proposed to start a BIOS SIG to handle this. This seems like a
>>>> very credible proposal.
>>> Ah, yes.  I do remember the post from Hans, but thought he was more 
>>> outlining
>>> how a Legacy BIOS SIG could work and what would need to happen rather than
>>> volunteering to set one up and do that.  But I went back and reread that 
>>> post
>>> and yes, he did volunteer to do just that.
>> Correct.
>>> If a video call happens to discuss this feature proposal, ensure Hans can
>>> attend.
>> FWIW, ATM I think everything which can be said about
>> this has been said and I'm not sure if having a video
>> call about this will add anything new.
> Agreed.
>> As for setting up the SIG if necessary, my plan is to
>> try to keep the SIG lite weight on the process side
>> and focus on the practical things.
>> What I envision for the SIG is:
>> 1. I'm not sure if it is possible to setup group ownership
>> of pkgs in pagure? So to keep things simple the few packages which
>> are only necessary for BIOS boot can be handed over to me and then
>> I'll just add other people willing to help out as co-maintainers.
>> 2. Setup a mailinglist for this and have that in bugzilla + PR
>> Cc for all the relevant packages.
>> 3. Have people from the SIG regularly test Fedora N and
>> Fedora N + 1 (after branching) on machines which only support
>> BIOS booting and file bugs (if any) + report the results to
>> the mailinglist.
>> 4. Have people from the SIG try to regularly do bugzilla
>> triage of relevant packages.
>> And I would also like to have a discussion about splitting
>> the BIOS boot grub bits out into a separate src.rpm
>> (using the same Source0 as the main grub) so that this can
>> be build by the SIG without needing help from the bootloader
>> team (the main grub package can only be built by a few people
>> because of secureboot signing). The idea is to avoiding
>> bottlenecking on the bootloader team when some BIOS boot bugs
>> in grub need to be fixed, quoting from my original email about
>> this:
>> """
>> I've been thinking about how this could be done for grub; also
>> because of the issue that the EFI builds of grub need to be
>> signed with Fedora's secure boot keys, which means only a few
>> people can do grub2 builds atm.
>> One option which I think we should consider is sticking with
>> a single downstream git fork (until we have managed to get
>> everything we need upstream), so stick with:
>> https://github.com/rhboot/grub2/
>> As the Source0 provider for the packages and then next to:
>> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/grub2
>> Add a:
>> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/grub2-bios
>> And moving the build of all sub-packages which are
>> only necessary for BIOS support to the second src.rpm.
>> This way the Legacy BIOS SIG could maintain
>> the grub2-bios src.rpm (and binary pkgs it builds).
>> The SIG _must_ then of course still submit pull-reqs to:
>> https://github.com/rhboot/grub2/ for any changes.
>> But in case of e.g. a beta blocking BIOS only bug they
>> could solve that with a patch in the src.rpm and kickof
>> a build right away without blocking on the bootloader
>> team and thus without causing a spike in
>> work-pressure/load for the bootloader team.
>> And then once the pull-req is merged (possibly
>> a revised version of it) the next build of
>> the grub2-bios src.rpm can pull in the new Source0
>> and drop its local changes (IOW grub2-bios _must_
>> not become a separate fork).
>> """
> OK, given this proposal, I'd like the original change proposal amended to
> essentially say "transfer legacy BIOS boot support to newly formed Legacy BIOS
> SIG" or something like that.  The logistics at that point can be sorted out as
> the SIG sees fit.  I'd like to see the original proposal advance forward and
> this gives a plan for the legacy BIOS piece.

TBH I'm not sure if that is the direction in which the proposal owner
(Robbie) wants to go, Robbie ?

> Can you followup with the proposal owners to make that amendment?

I've send Robbie an offlist email asking him to weigh in here.


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