On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 11:27:55AM -0400, Paul Wouters wrote:

> >[1]: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Bundled_Software_policy/
> Thanks for the link. Sadly, the justification would be "because upstream
> hardcoded this an errors on any other version", which in itself is
> pretty weak. And since it includes boost, which can't easilly be
> upgraded between fedora releases, all the older stuff lingers forever.

There is a little more to it: percona-xtrabackup also comes with
mysql (because it is basically running a copy of it's own mysql/innodb
to do it's job - just like the other comparable versions around). And
this mysql is what is "bound" to that boost version. xtrabackup just
inherits this bundling.

If you look at the percona-xtrabackup versioning you'll see that the
current upstream release is:

  * percona-xtrabackup-8.0.29-22

and that refers to it's bundling of mysql 8.0.29

> >Non-responsive maintainer policy [2]. This package has CVE bugs
> >open [3],

There was _one_ CVE bug and that was for the old version of xtrabackup
that is not shipped for fedora. I have just closed that bug.

The other CVEs are for EPEL builds - while I am in theory interested in
fixing epel as well I won't touch it until the fedora branch is in a
better state.

> Miro started the non-responsive maintainer process and woke up the
> maintainer, but they themselves are also thinking it might be better
> to kick it out of fedora.
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1989019

Yes - the build process is cumbersome and it is a bad fit for fedora on
that alone. Yet for me it still scratches an itch and being able to do a
'dnf install percona-xtrabackup' is still useful.

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