V Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:37:30PM +0000, Kenneth Goldman napsal(a):
> How do I get packager status?  How do I work with a packager - is that a 
> person or a program?
> A quick google gave me this link: 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.fedoraproject.org_en-2DUS_package-2Dmaintainers_Joining-5Fthe-5FPackage-5FMaintainers_&d=DwMFaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-siA1ZOg&r=DZCVG43VcL8GTneMZb8k8lEwb-O1GZktFfre1-mlmiA&m=s70Bz9k22m9018JPgVNOAnmz7DqkzTJI_QXmAfcI-pzZbLnQwyYpgp0rgTxhQ1Hg&s=3fAYyQr_EQBDWPP3121TuoPS_dDADrPuxuTVcuf5W88&e=
> I found that and followed all the steps.  However, it ends at Finding 
> software 
> you wish to maintain for Fedora".
You wrote you were interested in tss2 package. Since the package was retired
from Fedora, it's a great piece of "software to maintain" for you.

> What's next?

There is a subchapter
of the Joining page. (A chapter topology is shown in the left column, JavaScript
required. I also find it hard to discover.)

You basically wants to unretire the package
That involves reviewing the package
and getting a sponsor who will guide you and who will adds you to the packager
group after finishing the package review.

Your path is a little bit atypical because the documentation is written from
a point of view of a new packager who wants to add a completely new package
You can follow it. The only difference for unretiring packages is a way of
creating a dist-git repository after passing the review and gettig sponsored. 

-- Petr

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