This is great to see! The issue of lack of coordination and
collaboration between the language SIGs also came up in my workshop on
DevConf [1]. Having them share more code/macros and spec file idioms
would make packaging as a whole easier. Not re-inventing solutions for
the same or at least similar problems would also be a great step forward.

Unfortunately there won't be anyone from the RPM team at Flock. If there
is anything you need or we can do to make this easier please bring that
up to me. We can always add more repositories in the organization if you need a
place for upstream repositories - especially if you want a place that is
more neutral when it comes to cooperation with other RPM based
distributions. Which is another dimension on which sharing and
cooperation should be extended.

As it is relevant for this meeting may be someone that attended my
workshop can give a 3 or 5 minute summary of the new Dynamic Spec
feature. Slides are available [2]. Slide 8 to 10 or 11 should be
sufficient. Unfortunately there isn't a recording of the workshop. Feel
free to bug me if you have questions.


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