On 8/5/23 12:47, Miro Hrončok wrote:
On 01. 08. 23 23:48, Robert-André Mauchin wrote:
On 7/31/23 12:13, Miro Hrončok wrote:
Dear maintainers.

Based on the current fail to build from source policy, the following packages
should be retired from Fedora 39 approximately one week before branching.

5 weekly reminders are required, hence the retirement will happen
this week.

Policy: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Fails_to_build_from_source_Fails_to_install/

The packages in rawhide were not successfully built at least since Fedora 36.

This report is based on dist tags.

Packages collected via:

If you see a package that was built, please let me know.
If you see a package that should be exempted from the process,
please let me know and we can work together to get a FESCo approval for that.

If you see a package that can be rebuilt, please do so.

             Package                       (co)maintainers

Can you exempt the golang packages for a while more? I'm working on them...

The current list is:


Branching is in couple days. Should I exempt them still?

The following can be nuked:

golang-github-burntsushi-xgbutil  to retire and then update deepin zhich does 
not use it anymore

golang-github-docker-slim renamed to https://github.com/slimtoolkit/slim/ Retire then rebuild under the new name

golang-github-facebookarchive-inject Was potentially used for unbundling Grafana but not used upstream anymore

golang-github-facebookarchive-structtag Was potentially used for unbundling Grafana but not used upstream anymore

golang-github-facebookgo-ensure Needed by golang-github-facebookincubator-dhcplb which we can update to get rid of it, then leaf to drop

golang-github-facebookgo-stack            Needed by 
golang-github-facebookgo-ensure, to drop

golang-github-haproxytech-models To retire, was merged into github.com/haproxytech/client-native, which is not packaged yet

golang-gopkg-seborama-govcr-2 To retire, we update to 4.5.0 through a new package https://pagure.io/releng/fedora-scm-requests/issue/55265

This one is fixed:


So TL:DR: these still need exemption if possible:

golang-gvisor: I'm currently updating it, but I need to update containerd for it and it's a hell of a job

golang-sigs-k8s-kustomize: new deps are needed to fix it

golang-vitess: new deps are needed to fix it

Thank you!

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