Hi all,

It is nearly a full month since last mail. And seems that koji has recycled the side tags due to inactivity. I re-created them:

 * f40-build-side-76474
 * f39-build-side-76476
 * f38-build-side-76478

Seems that I don't have the permission to push to powerdevil and rebuild it so maybe any provenpackagers can help?


在 2023/9/29 14:04, Qiyu Yan 写道:
Hi all,

I am planning to update package ddcutil to latest upstream release 2.0.0. This will introduce a soname bump for libddcutil.so from libddcutil.4 to libddcutil.5. I checked that the only affected package due to this update will be powerdevil.

dnf repoquery --whatrequires "libddcutil.so.4()(64bit)" --release=40

I have built ddcutil in following side-tags:

 * f38-build-side-74742
 * f39-build-side-74740
 * f40-build-side-74738

If possible, please built powerdevil in those side-tags that we can push the update together.

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