Steve Cossette wrote:
> Putting aside that i heard from Neal Gompa that anaconda cannot
> accommodate a « multi-flavor » media, can you imagine how big that iso
> would be? Forget 4gb, it’d probably be closer to 20gb!

We used to have multiboot live images that let you pick the live image 
flavor to boot and then install. At one point (for one or two, maybe three, 
releases only, then came "" and the Ambassadors were pressured to 
hand out only "Workstation"), we even handed DVDs with those (yes, in those 
good old days, a multiboot live image still fit on a DVD… then bloat 
happened!) out at events. (I even did a custom one once for the Vienna event 
in May 2015, which dual-booted the latest Fedora 21 KDE live-respin with 
Plasma 4 and the Fedora 22 Beta KDE live with Plasma 5. I did not put 
Workstation on those because we had tons of pressed Fedora 21 Workstation 
DVDs anyway.) Unfortunately, the scripts that generated those were unable to 
keep up with all the complications caused by UEFI and so-called "Secure 
Boot". (They used to work back when everything still booted in legacy BIOS 
mode.) So some engineering effort will probably be needed, and a lot of 
testing on different hardware will definitely be needed, to make the 
multiboot generator work (reliably) again.

        Kevin Kofler
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