Dne 04. 04. 24 v 17:32 Kevin Kofler via devel napsal(a):
Neal Gompa wrote:
By default, GNOME only presents the close window button. The other
buttons are missing, and there isn't really an intuitive way to
discover the other window management actions.

I agree that there are no other buttons. But still, Gnome opens the windows in normalized state, not maximized what was the original claim.

In the version I tried, and judging from end user reports, for several
years, it did not even present that, leading to fun issues such as some KDE
dialogs that could not be closed at all (because they were missing a "Close"
button and relying on the window decoration exclusively).

I have never seen Gnome / Gtk app without "Close" button. I can imagine that there likely can be issue for some non-Gtk app. I don't know.

In any case, I prefer to use Gtk apps for Gnome and I assume this is the case for Gnome users. Similarly I won't be surprised if KDE users prefer QT apps. Mixing the DE and frameworks might not always work without issues. And this is not just about Gtk / Qt and Gnome / KDE. E.g. Java apps might look out of place on both DEs.


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