Am 08.04.24 um 22:22 schrieb Michel Lind:
On Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 08:47:20PM +0200, Leon Fauster via devel wrote:
Am 08.04.24 um 20:12 schrieb Michel Lind:
    (this might require coordination with RH's Leapp developers and
    AlmaLinux's ELevate developers, to make sure those support upgrading
    to lower NEVRAs too)

Would have a major EL release have a lower package NEVRA?
Mmmh, how many fedora releases are in between? :-)

If, say, EL9 inherits a Fedora 34 package with epoch set to 1, and we
allow Fedora epoch to be reset in Rawhide, and EL10 then inherits a
Fedora 40 package with epoch reset to 0 (change as suitable - more
likely to be EL10 from F40 and EL11 from F46, but in general there are 6
Fedora releases in between) -- then even if the version is higher
because the epoch is dropped, the EL(N+1) NEVRA will be lower.

Fair enough. Such change could be scoped just for fedora and keeping
the epoch for RHEL (I know it contradicts the plan). Anyway, as far as
I understand it, epoch support will still be available and its not
forbidden to use it, right? For some cases similar to xz-5.6-to-xz-5.4 downgrades even necessary. Just wondering, why a reset of epoch in rawhide is desirable?


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