On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 3:23 PM Vít Ondruch <vondr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Dne 27. 04. 24 v 6:58 Neal Gompa napsal(a):
> * Switch to python-style compat/main packages.  In order to make the 
> packaging more
> consistent between the main package (e.g. llvm) and the compat package (e.g. 
> llvm18),
> we would retire the un-versioned dist-git for llvm, and create a new 
> versioned dist-git
> for each new release (e.g. llvm19, llvm20, llvm21 etc.).  We would then 
> designate one
> of these as the 'main version', and that version would produce binary rpms 
> that look
> like the current main package (i.e. llvm-libs instead of  llvm19-libs).
> Ehh? I guess? I don't think this buys us that much.
> * Invert the order of compat/main packages.  Instead of having the compat 
> package be
> the old version, and the main package be the new version, we would have the 
> compat package
> be newer and the main package be older.  This would allow us to introduce a 
> new version of
> llvm without impacting other packages that depend on the main version of LLVM.
> I don't like this idea, it makes things harder to reason about and
> doesn't actually solve any problems.
> I concur with Neal here.
> I we were living in ideal world, we would have just one `llvm` package. Since 
> we are not living in ideal world, it makes sense to have some compat 
> versions. But we should try to get as close as possible to ideal world. 
> Versioning packages by default goes against that goal, because it encourages 
> sticking to some specific version for no particular reason.

For the special case of LLVM, I disagree here. Some projects are just
not compatible with newer LLVM versions until upstream moves first,
and that can take time. So I don't think that counts as "sticking to
some specific version for no particular reason", it's "upstream
doesn't support LLVM X at all yet, they only support LLVM X-1 for
now". I have never seen a Fedora package that uses an LLVM compat
package "for no particular reason".

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