On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 8:36 PM Michael Catanzaro <mcatanz...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> gdk-pixbuf 2.42.11 has dropped support for several uncommon image
> formats. This is causing several applications to crash in Fedora
> rawhide [1][2]. (The change also got backported to F40 and F39, but
> I've reverted it there.)
> Benjamin Gilbert has proposed reenabling the removed loaders [3], but
> this is not likely to be accepted upstream. So he's currently planning
> to package the removed loaders for Fedora in a separate package. You'll
> be able to depend on these if needed to avoid crashing, but please do
> so only if you really need to, since the goal of removing the extra
> loaders is to reduce attack surface. (Unfortunately gdk-pixbuf is a
> fairly risky dependency: many applications require it, but it's not
> very safe.) Most applications should use modern image formats instead.

Just out of curiosity, would glycin be a better mechanism than
gdk-pixbuf for loading "untrusted" images / "unsafe" image formats?
Its loaders are sandboxed via SECCOMP and support for most image
formats is implemented in Rust (except HEIF and JPEG-XL - they use the
C reference implementations).
(It looks like the Rust "image" crate doesn't - yet - support some
obscure image formats like XPM, so it wouldn't help in this particular
case, though.)

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