Title: #fedora-meeting: FESCO (2013-01-30)

#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2013-01-30)

Meeting started by mmaslano at 18:01:17 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (mmaslano, 18:01:39)
  2. #1001 F19 Feature: JRuby 1.7 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/JRuby_1.7 (mmaslano, 18:03:40)
    1. AGREED: JRuby 1.7 is F19 feature if FPC acks it (+7,-0) (mmaslano, 18:05:53)

  3. #1002 F19 Feature: Ruby 2.0.0 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Ruby_2.0.0 (mmaslano, 18:05:58)
    1. AGREED: Ruby 2.0 is F19 feature if FPC acks it (+7,-0) (mmaslano, 18:07:45)

  4. #1004 Mass rebuild schedule (mmaslano, 18:08:05)
  5. #1006 F19 Feature: Replace MySQL with MariaDB - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/ReplaceMySQLwithMariaDB (mmaslano, 18:12:27)
  6. #1025 En bloc features for January 30 (mmaslano, 18:20:00)
    1. AGREED: All features from #1025 will be accepted as F19 features execpt FirstClassCloudImages and SharedSystemCertificates which shall be discussed separately (+9,0) (mmaslano, 18:21:48)

  7. #1008 F19 Feature: First-Class Cloud Images - ​ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/FirstClassCloudImages (mmaslano, 18:22:09)
    1. AGREED: defer to next week, more discussion with other relengs needed (+6,-0) (mmaslano, 18:39:08)

  8. #1019 F19 Feature: Shared System Certificates - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SharedSystemCertificates (mmaslano, 18:39:47)
    1. AGREED: Shared System Certificates are F19 feature (+8,-0, 1 abstain) (mmaslano, 18:51:03)

  9. #1006 F19 Feature: Replace MySQL with MariaDB - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/ReplaceMySQLwithMariaDB (mmaslano, 18:52:11)
    1. http://markmail.org/message/q5fk6lxlniq2p6gz?q=python#query:python+page:1+mid:oybas2zmjrpo2hap+state:results (mattdm, 18:54:48)
    2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2013-January/176635.html (abadger1999, 19:04:10)
    3. AGREED: Replace MySQL with MariaDB is F19 feature (+7,-0) (mmaslano, 19:12:26)

  10. #1006 F19 Feature: Replace MySQL with MariaDB - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/ReplaceMySQLwithMariaDB (mmaslano, 19:13:46)
    1. AGREED: Feature accepted as proposed (including obsoletion as a transition mechanism). If new MySQL maintainers appear, feature owners are asked to make it possible to install the MySQL stand-alone server (only) (+7,-0) (mmaslano, 19:15:29)

  11. #1007 F19 Feature: Checkpoint/Restore - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Checkpoint_Restore (mmaslano, 19:16:08)
    1. AGREED: Checkpoint/Restore is F19 feature (+9,-0) (mmaslano, 19:18:15)

  12. #1009 F19 Feature: Fedora Upgrade - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/FedoraUpgrade (mmaslano, 19:19:19)
    1. ACTION: sgallagh to ask fedora-upgrade maintainers to consider renaming to avoid confusion (nirik, 19:28:24)
    2. ACTION: sgallagh will speak with Board about formalizing a request process for adding packages with fedora in their name (mmaslano, 19:28:24)
    3. AGREED: Fedora Upgrade feature is rejected (+0,-7) (mmaslano, 19:31:44)

  13. #1022 F19 Feature: systemd/udev Predictable Network Interface Names - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SystemdPredictableNetworkInterfaceNames (mmaslano, 19:33:42)
    1. AGREED: systemd/udev Predictable Network Interface Names are accepted as F19 feature (+7,-0) (mmaslano, 19:46:30)
    2. AGREED: systemd/udev Predictable Network Interface Names - upgrades shouldn't change naming (+5,-0) (mmaslano, 19:46:59)
    3. AGREED: eno=>em tweak is required (+5, -1) (mmaslano, 19:57:08)

  14. #1024 F19 Feature: MEMSTOMP - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/MEMSTOMP (mmaslano, 19:57:17)
    1. AGREED: MEMSTOMP is F19 feature (+7,-0) (mmaslano, 19:58:43)

  15. #1004 Mass rebuild schedule (mmaslano, 19:58:52)
    1. AGREED: mass rebuild on 8th (+6,-0) (mmaslano, 20:03:38)

  16. Next week's chair (mmaslano, 20:05:50)
    1. ACTION: nirik will chair next meeting (mmaslano, 20:06:20)

  17. Open Floor (mmaslano, 20:06:28)
    1. ACTION: jreznik will propose schedule (mmaslano, 20:06:38)
    2. SB: pjones will to SWG and try to get clarification that expiration cannot be honored. (mmaslano, 20:15:13)
    3. SB: pjones will got to USWG and try to get clarification that expiration cannot be honored. (mmaslano, 20:15:38)
    4. AGREED: nodejs guideliens were approved contingent on a fesco multilib exemption, odejs wants to install and find modules in one path under /usr/lib rather than %{_libdir} which may be /usr/lib64 (+6,-0) (mmaslano, 20:21:18)
    5. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2013-January/176796.html (abadger1999, 20:41:01)
    6. AGREED: rubypick will be implemented as proposed by domain experts in JRuby feature (+5,-0) (mmaslano, 20:53:07)

Meeting ended at 20:54:15 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. sgallagh to ask fedora-upgrade maintainers to consider renaming to avoid confusion
  2. sgallagh will speak with Board about formalizing a request process for adding packages with fedora in their name
  3. nirik will chair next meeting
  4. jreznik will propose schedule

Action items, by person

  1. jreznik
    1. jreznik will propose schedule
  2. nirik
    1. nirik will chair next meeting
  3. sgallagh
    1. sgallagh to ask fedora-upgrade maintainers to consider renaming to avoid confusion
    2. sgallagh will speak with Board about formalizing a request process for adding packages with fedora in their name

People present (lines said)

  1. mmaslano (150)
  2. pjones (138)
  3. sgallagh (114)
  4. nirik (113)
  5. mitr (102)
  6. abadger1999 (88)
  7. t8m (77)
  8. notting (63)
  9. jwb (39)
  10. mattdm (33)
  11. zodbot (24)
  12. jreznik (15)
  13. mjg59 (11)
  14. fenrus02 (9)
  15. Viking-Ice (9)
  16. jgreguske (8)
  17. drago01 (6)
  18. law (5)
  19. kalev (2)
  20. arthurbuliva (1)
  21. alorenzi (1)
  22. jmoskovc (1)
  23. pingou (1)

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