On 30. 1. 2013 at 16:06:35, Mátyás Selmeci wrote:
> Hi,
> This may be a long shot, but I am interested in repackaging some RPMs (for
> example, some of the Globus packages in EPEL, as well as grid software that
> my group builds) such that the software in them may be installed by
> unprivileged users, or into a non-standard location such as an NFS share.
> I'd like to use existing RPMs, preferably binaries, as a starting point to
> avoid duplicating work. (Naturally a lot of post-install scripting would be
> needed to fix binaries such that they'd work with the path they were
> installed into).
> Have there been any projects with this goal in mind?
> Have any of you had experience with this sort of thing and have tips, tools,
> etc. that might help me out in this?
> Thanks in advance,
> -Mat
> --
> -Matyas Selmeci
> Open Science Grid Software Team
> Center for High Throughput Computing
> University of Wisconsin-Madison

How about using Software Collections? It doesn't solve the installataion by
unprivileged user but it solves installation into non-standard location:



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