On Qua, 2015-11-18 at 17:11 -0600, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> > > > > > "SB" == Sérgio Basto <ser...@serjux.com> writes:
> SB> When we fix the .spec and don't change the source, we bump
> rightmost
> SB> version, when we change the source, we bump the left version, so
> we
> SB> can distinguish when we update the source and when we updated the
> SB> .spec, this contrast for me is important.
> For me, the simple rule that a Release: tag less than 1 implies
> prerelease software, while a Release: tag of 1 or greater implies a
> post-release package, is important.  So far the proponents of this
> change haven't shown what things would actually look like after this
> change, so it's hard for me to come up with a reason to change my
> opinion.

prerelease numbering can't begin with 0 and increased to 0.1 because :

next version of foo-0.b would be foo-0.1.b and "b">1 

so maybe next version of foo-0.b could be foo-0.b.1 

but if b change to a, you have to bump left side foo-1.a and can't bump
to 1 because is not final release. 

so the solution for all cases is: 

foo-0.1.b -> foo-0.1.b.1 -> foo-0.2.a -> foo-0.2.a.1 

>  - J<
Sérgio M. B.

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