On 10/24/07 04:28, John Watlington wrote:
> We are having an impossible time getting X to come up on C2 machines.
> And X takes forever to stop trying to come up when we switch to init  
> level 3.

I've never seen a C2 machine yet.  What are the relevant
hardware changes?

And, what build are you using?  Trial3 is X 1.3, joyride is
X 1.4.

If it's Trial3, try this:

  umount /home/olpc/.Xauthority

Nobody I asked really understood why, but it fixes a lot of
strange "X not starting" problems people reported to me by
random people.

So I made .Xauthority a plain file in joyride (I still have
to move to a writable location such as /tmp).

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  \___\  One Laptop Per Child - http://www.laptop.org/
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