Trac ran out of memory on Nov 1 at 2:16 AM EST.

It helpfully suggests that I create a ticket about the problem. :-)
Somehow, I don't think that would be a good idea right now!

Trac detected an internal error:


There was an internal error in Trac. It is recommended that you inform
your local Trac administrator and give him all the information he
needs to reproduce the issue.

To that end, you could ==== How to Reproduce ==== While doing a GET
operation on `/ticket/4245`, Trac issued an internal error. ''(please
provide additional details here)'' Request parameters: {{{ {'id':
u'4245'} }}} ==== System Information ==== || '''Trac''' ||
`0.11dev-r5992` || || '''Python''' || `2.5.1 (r251:54863, May 2 2007,
16:27:44) ` [[br]] `[GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)]` || ||
'''setuptools''' || `0.6c7` || || '''SQLite''' || `3.3.13` || ||
'''pysqlite''' || `2.3.2` || || '''Genshi''' || `0.5dev-r766` || ====
Python Traceback ==== {{{ Traceback (most recent call last): File
line 381, in dispatch_request dispatcher.dispatch(req) File
line 213, in dispatch data, content_type) File
line 601, in render_template return stream.render(method,
doctype=doctype) File
line 172, in render return encode(generator, method=method,
encoding=encoding) File
line 45, in encode output = u''.join(list(iterator)) MemoryError }}} a
ticket at this site.

The action that triggered the error was:

GET: /ticket/4245

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