Hi Henning,

It is not a rush at all - I just need to have an estimation to do my own 
plans :). I agree that such changes takes time, and to be honest I 
wasn't expecting such a short timeframe from you ;). I though it may 
take some time (weeks) .

Thanks and regards,

Henning Westerholt wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 February 2008, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>> BTW, do you have any estimation (as time) about the start and end of
>> these changes? I plan also some major changes in the DB interaction and
>> preferable will be not to overlap ;)
> I don't want to rush this type of changes, better to test a little bit more.. 
> But i think i'll be able to finish the first part of this work (for unixodbc, 
> postgres, mysql) on monday or tuesday next week. Is this ok for you?
> In a second part the postgres and db_berkeley driver could be changed to not 
> do this value coping anymore. This way we don't break to much functionality 
> at once, the changes could be better reviewed.
> Cheers,
> Henning

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