
I think my proposal was misunderstood in the first place. By compacting 
the RADIUS modules I was not really meaning to remove/merge some of 
them, but to collect duplicate code in a single place, and reuse from 
there. Also, if we get to the conclusion that it is good to be done, 
that does not mean you have to do it :-)

So here are more details and reasons for the proposal.
- in the past, any time when the libradiusclient was updated, all radius 
modules were affected (e.g., see commits on SER repository related to 
migration to libradiusclient-ng or updates/bugs related to this library).
- in the eventuality of adding failover/load balancing support (ability 
to connect to many RADIUS servers depending on different situations and 
usecases), we will have the whole engine in a single place, and once 
added there, all radius modules will benefit of (LDAP module has kind of 
such approach)
- as DIAMETER has same attribute-value architecture, we may find (some 
investigation needed here) that we can reuse the rest of the code in 
*radius modules to add the diameter support just by replacing the 
connector module (e.g., assuming we will have "radius" and "diameter" 
- there are many radius servers out there, although not requested so 
far, in case one wants to add support for other radius server which has 
a different client library, lot of duplicate will be required

These are my main points about this item, any comment is appreciated.


On 02/21/08 00:25, Juha Heinanen wrote:
> i read irc meeting minutes (could not participate myself due to 12 hour
> time difference to CET).  here are my comments regarding radius
> modules.
> i don't think that just having a smaller number of modules can justify
> putting a lot of work on writing some new api for radius modules.  i
> would rather put my time in implementing some new functionality.  if
> there is a need to change the module interface in radius modules due to
> some changes in core, i'm willing to do that work.  just let me know
> when a change is coming and what kind.
> nevertheless, there may be a possibility to integrate some radius
> related modules.  i can take a look.  i'm however skeptical regarding
> integrating auth_radius, because it is a sub-module of auth module.
> -- juha
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