Hello all,

We discovered that PackageKit that is used in our emulator does not 
automatically refresh repositories so if your rpmbuild requires additional 
stuff to be pulled to emulator - it will eventually fail.

Good news is that quickfix is in the works and should be out next week. But 
before that is applicable this workaround needs to be done:
1. login to emulator (best is to press ctrl-<f-keys> on emulator's window to 
get login prompt) as root. On my ubuntu f2 seems to cut it.
2. refresh repos with 'pkcon refresh'
optionally then:
3. test that repos got refreshed (do f.ex 'pkcon search sensorfw-qt5-devel') if 
you see stuff like 'Available..' then your emulator has updated lists and 
you're good to go. If not - run 2) again.

Sorry for the extra trouble, we'll publish new emulator soon and it is 
delivered via SDK update (you'll get notice in Qt Creator's UI on that).

thanks, Jarko

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