
In Iekku’s mail yesterday, we referred to application names needing to use a 
“dotted” form (e.g. com.example.myapp). It was brought to our attention that 
this isn’t factually possible at this time due to limitations in Qt 
Creator/qmake, so we’re unfortunately forced due to time limitations - so as to 
not inconvenience you developers - to change plans. 

The new requirement is that application names must start with a prefix of 

The reason (if it wasn’t clear) for this requirement is so that applications do 
not clash with other installed packages on the device.

We’re very sorry for the confusion. Thanks for understanding. Should you have 
any questions on this or anything else, feel free to send an e-mail as always!

P.S. We’ll be launching a FAQ explaining this (and other store requirements) in 
detail early next week, unless anything unforeseen crops up.

Happy hacking,
The Jolla Crew
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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