Just a thought - maybe using some legacy (i.e. Fremantle) theme could be a
fix. But I have no idea whether it can be done and with how much effort.


2014-01-26 <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch>

> Hi Dietmar
> Zitat von "Dietmar Schwertberger" <maill...@schwertberger.de>:
>> Switching to QML/Qt Quick seems a major effort and especially, it is very
>> un-pythonic to use this mixture of two languages.
> There is only one language here, QML, which is an extension of javascript.
> Qt Quick is a set of components used by QML. This component set is further
> extended by the Sailfish Silica component set.
> I did not find QML itself that hard to learn, and there are lots of
> examples and tutorials on the interweb.
> The mix of 2 languages comes when need to do some heavy-lifting and have
> to fall back to C++. Having said that C++ and QML are well integrated.
> Zitat von "Dietmar Schwertberger" <maill...@schwertberger.de>:
>> ...there's quite some effort to stay compatible over
>> multiple platforms ....
> You have hit the nail on the head. Multiplatform coding is not easy,
> especially if you want to keep native interaction, and look and feel. We
> know that Sailfish is quite a bit different from any other platform.
> Multi-platform is not impossible, but it does involve compromises.
> I have been working for some while to port a Harmattan app to Sailfish.
> For the most part I have got it working, but not without some obstacles.
> Off the top of my head (and without going into detail), here is a list of
> differences I found between these 2 platforms
> 1) Qt Version  4.7.4 --> 5.x
> 2) QtQuick version 1.0 --> 2.0
> 3) Mobility 1.2 --> Qt 5.0 equivalents
> 4) Project Template Files C++ main function, Pro file
> 5) Project structure
> 6) Sailfish look and feel, user interaction
> 7) Sailfish Specials: e.g Cover
> 8) Missing QML Components / Extra Components,
> 9) Component Property differences
> 10) Library differences inc. Bugs
> 11) Niggly Technical Stuff
> 11.1) How a javascript file imports a second javascript file
> 11.2) Location of LocalStorage DB
> 12) Harbour rules (somethings are technically possible, but not allowed to
> be harbour compliant)
> 13) etc ....
> Grüsse
> Chris
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