Hi there,

this is my first post in this list, so hello to everyone.

I want to write a small App, which helps writing SMS for booking a parking 
ticket in Vienna/Austria and later other cities as well.

As i read the recommended way for sending messages from qml is using 
dbus. I found this command for the command line, which works:

$ dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.nemomobile.qmlmessages / \
 org.nemomobile.qmlmessages.startSMS array:string:"+358123456" \
string:"Hello world"

dbus-monitor shows:
method call sender=:1.41 -> dest=org.nemomobile.qmlmessages serial=2
   path=/; interface=org.nemomobile.qmlmessages; member=startSMS
           array [
              string "+358123456"
          string "Hello world"

So in qml I made a 

DBusInterface {
        id: smsIf
        service: "org.nemomobile.qmlmessages"
        iface: "org.nemomobile.qmlmessages"
        path: "/"

and called the method

smsIf.call("startSMS", [[""], "smsText.text"])

The output of dbus-monitor say "no such method".

method call sender=:1.39 -> dest=org.nemomobile.qmlmessages serial=7 path=/; 
interface=org.nemomobile.qmlmessages; member=startSMS
   array [
      variant          string "+12312312312"
   string "Hello World"
error sender=:1.32 -> dest=:1.39 
error_name=org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod reply_serial=7
   string "No such method 'startSMS' in interface 'org.nemomobile.qmlmessages' 
at object path '/' (signature 'avs')"

Is it just the wrong type of the first argument?
But how can I pass the proper type? (Array of strings)
Or is ther some general error?

Thanks for your help,

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