Though I have so far not really been in these meetings and am not a huge
dev (for now I stay a very small dev) there is one topic which I think
should be discussed but I imagine has already been discussed:

The ability of us community to contribute fixes to jolla-* components.

Background: as some of you are probably aware I modified/fixed
jolla-calender so that it would support whatever first-day-of-the week your
locale uses, all files I modified are marked as BSD by jolla (even though
they claim jolla-* components to be closed source).

I posted my patches on github, on the mailing list, on
and even contacted the person at jolla listed as the maintainer of the
files I modified.

So far I never got a single reply on the subject and I need to repatch at
every update, not a stance I can appreciate. I understand that certain
things need to also be decided UI/UX wise (like how to set this
preference), but the under the hood changes can be made regardless and
again some communication (even just a 'thank you we will look at it') would
be nice...


2015-04-13 18:02 GMT+03:00 Iekku Pylkka <>:

> Ahoy,
> Since no new topics proposed, meeting is postponed one more week. Let's
> hope we have enough topics on Tuesday 21.4.2015.
> Br,
> Iekku
> From: [
>] on behalf of Iekku Pylkka [
> Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 11:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS community meeting tomorrow, 14.4.2015?
> Ahoy,
> We postponed meeting one week due only one topic. Situation is still same.
> Please propose topics today before 17:00 UTC:
> Or we might have to postpone meeting again. I will check topics again in
> the evening and make invitation if there’s need for meeting.
> Br,
> Iekku
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