Hi Lukáš,

First of all it may be worth noting that there is a "slight" difference between 
Ubuntu and Mer/Sailfish OS operating systems :) This has at least two 
implications: 1) not all Mer packages can be build against Ubuntu without 
modifications and 2) packages built against Ubuntu are not likely to work when 
deployed to a device running Mer/Sailfish OS.

If you are on Linux, get Sailfish OS Platform SDK [1]. If you are on Windows or 
Mac or if you want to use a Qt Creator based IDE on whichever platform, get 
Sailfish OS Application SDK [2].

There may be some hiccups while building these lower level packages with the 
application SDK but the workaround [3] pointed out by Chris shouldn't be needed 
unless I miss something. I tried to build buteo-sync-plugin-caldav with 
application SDK on Linux and Windows and the file permissions listed with `rpm 
-qlvp RPMS/*` seemed correct. The Qt Creator based IDE only works with qmake 
driven projects.

A frequent issue with these lower level packages is that they do not use the 
magic qtc_* macros in their RPM .spec files. See this example project to learn 
how to use these macros [4] (referred by [5]). Without these macros the build 
tool `mb2` (used directly or indirectly via Qt Creator) cannot separate qmake 
and make execution and more. You can start your contribution by adding these 
macros to buteo-sync-plugin-* packages for your own convenience :)

You don't need to bother with dependencies. All dependencies will be installed 
automatically upon the first build.


[1] https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Platform_Development
[2] https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Application_Development
[3] You don't need this 
[4] https://github.com/sailfishos/cppqml-sample/blob/master/rpm/cppqml.spec
[5] https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Tutorial_-_Combining_C%2B%2B_with_QML

From: Devel [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Lukáš Karas 
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 4:35 PM
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Mer PIM build questions

Dne čtvrtek 18. ledna 2018 15:05:19 CET Pekka Vuorela napsal(a):
> On Thu, 2018-01-18 at 12:57 +0100, Lukáš Karas wrote:
> > Now the main question - when I try to build mer-core/timed, there are
> > few
> > `*.type` files that should be compiled by `iodata-qt5-type-to-c++`
> > tool.
> > But how this should be done in the build? In
> > src/server/server.pro:17
> > is defined IODATA_TYPES with list of these files, but there is
> > nothing about
> > it in generated Makefile. There is some qmake plugin or preparison
> > step
> > that I overlook?
> server.pro: CONFIG += iodata-qt5
> Suppose that picks up above. libiodata there:
> https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/libiodata
> Do wonder a bit where's the need for timed compilation, though.

Timed is required by mKCal, see:

I do something wrong probably, I already have iodata in image:

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