
After I installed mbuni and played with it I found that there is a issue with some older phones like a Nokia 7650 (firmware 3.16) who don't send a Profile header and just a "Accept: */*" header (no explicit "Accept: application/smil") when fetching a MMS. The current CVS version of mbuni doesn't find the content type application/smil supported by the phone and changes the Content-Type of the MMS that is going to be delivered from "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related" to "application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed" because it thinks that the Phone is not capable of supporting a Presentation.

The attached patch aims to let mbuni know that the phone supports application/smil (Presentation) when it accepts any content-type (*/*).

One question:
Is there any place where users can suggest new features ? (my programmimg skills are not good enough to do it myslef and contribute a patch) It may be helpfull to have a config directive that will allow to to turn content adaptation on and off (ContentAdaptation (boolean)) in mbuni.


     Matthias Hofmann

--- mms_uaprof.c        2005-07-01 07:54:35.000000000 +0200
+++ mms_uaprof.c.new    2005-07-13 19:04:40.000000000 +0200
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
          if (sflag ||
              (!startp &&
octstr_case_compare(content_type, octstr_imm("multipart/related")
) == 0) ||
-             !prof->ccppaccept.presentation) {
+             !(prof->ccppaccept.presentation || prof->ccppaccept.all)) {
/* MMS conformance guide says: If presentation part is removed or
                *  then change content type to multipart/mixed

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