Hello All,

If you've been watching CVS you've probably noticed a lot of movement. I promised a while back to sync the documentation on CVS with the changes that have been happening there. This I have now done.

To summarise the changes: Mbuni can now behave as a VAS gateway in the spirit of Kannel. This means that you can connect it to another MMSC (even itself), receive MMS and based on the text in the MMS decide which URL to call, script to execute, or file to load to get the content to send back.

This has been achieved largely by adding a new tool: mmsbox. So if you want MMSC behaviour, you run mmsrelay/mmsproxy. You want VAS GW behaviour, run mmsbox. (You can run both on same machine of course without a problem.)

I hope the model adopted is flexible, and I hope the bugs are few(!) Please test and lets share.


Ps. There has been an increase in people trying to unpack the binary MMS stored in the queue directory, e.g. to extract the SMIL part. No need for this any more! Just use the VAS GW to do that for you, and hand you the part(s) you are interested in.

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