Hi List,

I have tried the users list but I think they all died of stress or some
complicated network error with the cellular network providers were some
idiot closed the firewall!!!

I have successfully install and configured mbuni. Gr8 product!

I have been able to connect as a vas to a gateway and successfully send
some mms messages.

Now I want to connect to a different gateway and now I receive an error

INFO: XML sent is: <soap-env:Envelope
 Error</StatusText><Details>Validation violation: Probably namespace URI of tag 
"TransactionID" is wrong (correct one is 

2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: parse.soap, h=TransactionID, v=!
2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: parse.soap, h=Fault, v=!
2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: parse.soap, h=faultcode,
2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: parse.soap, h=faultstring,
v=Server Error!
2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: parse.soap, h=Status, v=!
2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: parse.soap, h=StatusCode, v=4004!
2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: parse.soap, h=StatusText,
v=Validation Error!

2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: parse.soap, h=Details,
v=Validation violation: Probably namespace URI of tag "TransactionID" is
wrong (correct one is
2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: Send to MMSC[mtn], failed,
code=[4004=>Validation error], detail=Validation violation: Probably
namespace URI of tag "TransactionID" is wrong (correct one is
2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: Sent to MMC[],
code=[4004=>Validation error], msgid [(none)]
2007-04-03 14:52:49 [18772] [11] INFO: Retry later MMSBox Outgoing Queue
MMS Send: From number/TYPE=PLMN, to number/TYPE=PLMN, msgsize=104:
err=Failed to deliver to MMC[url=http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mm7/mm7Server,
id=mtn], status=[4004=>Validation error]!

When I seak to the tech guy at the gateway provider is is talking about
some sort of Basic Authentication blah blah...

Could you please point me in the right direction.

Gert Horne

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