
I am using XFree 4.2.99-4 (debian packages) with a HP Notebook
(radeon mobility M6 LY, ali1671/1535+ mainboard chipset), Debian testing (Xfree 

>From time to time (not always, but often enough to be annoying) I get a black 
screen after starting the xserver, switching to a console or loggin out 

Switching between console and Xserver /restarting xserver solves the problem - 
sometimes one has to switch 4-6 times between console/X to get a picture 
again :-(

This does not occur if I use the vesa driver.

Where can I start to track the error down? 

I already tried different kernel versions (2.419, 2.4.21-pre3 w and w/o acpi 
patch, 2.5.5x, ...)/configurations (Framebuffer, svgatextmode,...).

Same problem with XFree 4.2.1/testing . The same problem is reported by other 
users with this configuration, too, with different Distributions (Debian, 
Redhat 7.3, 8)

I'll be thankful for any hint

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