On 22 Feb 2003, Jeff Brubaker wrote:

>> No problem.  It's possible the option you used worked around the 
>> problem.  I found the true problem yesterday though (whew).  ;o)
>Heh..  I spoke too soon yesterday.  When I tried the new packages, I
>merely restarted XFree86.  Today, the machine locked after a full
>reboot.  It works with "ForceInit," but not without, even with the newer
>packages.  Sorry for the confusion.

Hmm, weird.  Dunno what to say about that one.  I unfortunately
do not have any savage hardware personally, and don't have specs
for that chip either, so I'm not too sure what I'll be able to do
to diagnose/debug any problems.  All I've been doing is auditing
driver changes over time and reverting suspects.  It might be
something that the driver maintainer (Tim) might have to
investigate, however keep in mind that he is busy right now with
other things I understand and might not be able to look into it
right away.

The more user feedback we all get from users with problems 
though, perhaps someone can determine problems and propose a fix.

There's one issue I know of where 24bit depth doesn't work 

>> Whoa, deja vu.  After you mentioning DPMS on DFP, I decided to
>> have a look at the DPMS code in the radeon driver, and the R200
>> specs.  I just implemented DPMS on Radeon yesterday for DFP/LCD, 
>> but also noted the existing DPMS code looks a bit more complex 
>> than it needs to be, so I'm going to take a stab at rewriting 
>> Radeon DPMS support after 4.3.0 is out, using the documented 
>> DISP_PWR_MAN_DPMS instead of the current mechanism.
>> The patch above is similar to what I've written, but still 
>> incomplete.  I've had several people test my latest Radeon driver 
>> out with DPMS on CRT alone, LCD alone, DFP alone, and combination 
>> of CRT+LCD and CRT+DFP, but not on dual DFP (they're more rare).
>> I'll probably send my DPMS patch in for potential 4.3.0
>> inclusion, but if it doesn't get in, then it's on my ftpsite for
>> those interested.
>Sweet.  Looking forward to it.

The patch works great for several people with a variety of 
different display combinations, however I've had a bug report now 
from someone using just a CRT where DPMS causes the monitor to go 
into and out of suspend over and over.  That sucks because the 
changes I added didn't touch the CRT path.  I've decided in the 
interest of not causing regression to disable my patch until I 
can investigate things more closely, so I am not going to submit 
it for 4.3.0 inclusion at this stage.

Perhaps it can be included in the 4.3 stable branch post 4.3.0 
once I've had time to work the kinks out though.


Mike A. Harris

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