Alessandro Temil wrote:
Egbert Eich wrote:

> > David
> Here you are, i attached both i810 and vesa driver XFree86.0.log.
> (by the way, i'm new of this mailing list, if it doesn't allow messages > with attachments i'll repost them inlined asap.)
> > This moring i wrote to intel asking for the specifications, i hope to > get a reply soon.
Neither the VESA nor the i8xx driver lists any 1400x1050 mode.

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I know, that's why we need to program directly the video chip, as the windows driver does.

Seems so. I found no trace of a 1400x1050 mode in the BIOS. However, it seems to support different panel types (brands, models) of that very resolution.

If the reason for not implementing a mode for the native resolution in the BIOS is that "the chip can be connected to many different video bridges", this is simply dumb. That way they need a huge windows driver, taking care of all that, which furthermore needs to be updated permanently if a new machine comes out... SiS folks haven't updated their Windows driver since February, and it works with about every machine in existance (due to the BIOS of all machines containing info on all supported modes for their host machine)

A register dump from a windows driver would be the only way, I guess...


Thomas Winischhofer
thomas AT winischhofer DOT net
twini AT xfree86 DOT org

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