David Dawes wrote (in a message from Friday 19)
 > If it does need to be done in the includes phase, for example, because
 > a host version of ucs2any is needed to do the conversion when
 > cross-compliling, but a target version of ucs2any needs to get built
 > later for installation,

After looking at some existing Imafiles, it doesn't look like the
existing cross-compiling code supports building the fonts.  There's no
visible code to build bdftopcf as a host tool for example. And the 2
systems configs (itsy.cf and iPAQ.cf) that set CrossCompiling to YES,
also set BuildFonts to NO.

 > BTW, how are things like host vs target imake binaries handled when
 > cross-compiling?
Imake itself get built as a host tool during bootstrap, but not target
version is built or installed afaict. 

Of course someone who actually uses the cross-compile support and
knowns better can always correct me if I'm wrong here. 

In order to avoid such problems more easily in the future, I suggest
that for XFree86 5.0 we isolate the build of host tools in a separate
phase of the global process (bootstrap imake / Makefiles /
host-{includes,depend,all} / includes / depend / all / install).

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