On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Chris Burghart wrote:

>I saw a similar problem recently; essentially, the init.d/xfs
>script was being run, but no xfs got started and there was no clue
>in the logs about what was failing.  Then I realized that my root
>filesystem was full.  After I cleaned up some space and rebooted,
>everything worked fine.  Silly, but true...

Kindof funny actually... some people have complained that xfs 
should be updated to log this using syslog, however in the 
majority of systems out there, /var/log is on the same partition 
as /tmp usually is - "/", and if the disk is full, the disk is 
full.  I seem to recall xfs was updated to do this anyway, but 
I'd have to do a test setup to confirm it.  Not a priority...

Mike A. Harris

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