On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, david mattatall wrote:

>> Why would you want more than one pointer? and more importantly how would
>> it be used? 
>1. It's quite conciveable that two cursors could be used to perform two 
>actions at the same time, I mean most of us use multitasking OS'es so the 
>cursors should reflect that.
>2. USE YOUR IMAGINATION! Two usb mice, one in your left hand, one in your 
>right. You use one to click and drag a window out of the way and you use the 
>other to choose your favorite song on XMMS. The uses of the technology will  
>expand to fit the technology, that's what OpenSource development is all 
>about. (actually what first is needed is someone with ambition AND coding 
>skills. Like many others, I only have the latter.)

I find it rather unlikely that someone would use a mouse in each 
hand for any real world non-hypothetical "because I can" sense.  
Come up with an actual *tangible* reason, and then it's something 
to discuss IMHO.

Open source development isn't "all about devising and 
implementing useless features nobody will use for any useful 

>> I wonder if you are not making life more difficult than it  
>> needs to be.
>How? By proposing an Idea?

I see no demand for your idea out there.

>> Actually the more I think about the more I really want to 
>> know the answer to thoes two questions.
>See above :)

Feel free to implement it, and then fix all window managers and 
other affected applications out there, then propose it as an 
enhancement if you like.

Mike A. Harris

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