On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, David Dawes wrote:

>>even after the recent changes to XFree86-current "libGLw", "libXau" and 
>>"libXdmcp" are still not built shared. I've got a report that this
>>causes problem with certain 3rd party applications which try to build
>>shared objects using these libraries.
>>So may I ask what is the reason that these libraries are not built shared?
>I'm not sure about the reasons for libGLw.
>The other two can be built shared providing that the build is setup so
>that the static versions are always built too, and the X servers (at
>least) continue to link against the static versions.  Linking the X
>servers against shared versions can be re-examined if necessary after
>4.4 is out.

I think one of the fixes I've got here for 4.3.0 might resolve
this for libXau, and some other libs.  We experienced a problem
where shared libs trying to link to static libs caused
application failures due to non-PIC code being used.  I'll have 
to have a look at this soon and port forward to HEAD if need be, 
and send a patch in.

Not 100% sure that our problem is identical to this one though.


Mike A. Harris

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