On Sat, 20 Dec 2003, David Dawes wrote:

>>It worked up until November first according to my cvsup cronjob
>>logs, at which point it just stopped.  However, now that you
>>mention it, I don't remember ever seeing any public announcement
>>that the cvsup server would be decommissioned earlier this year,
>>nor any time prior to it becoming unavailable in November.
>There was no public announcement because this was never a publicly
>available service, as you well know since it required an unpublished
>password for access.  Those affected by the change (the committers)
>were notified of the change.

Yes, I am well aware it required a password.  I was affected by
the change, and I was not a committer.  You are the one who gave 
out the password in the first place.

>Everyone else has equal access to our public anoncvs site which
>is well documented on our web site.

That is perfectly fine.  I am not complaining at all in any way 
about level of access.  I am more than perfectly happy to use the 
public anonymous access.

>I find it just a tad duplicitous that you complain about the loss
>of the privileged access that you yourself campaigned to abolish.

Wrong.  I am not in any way complaining about loss of priveledged 
access.  In fact, I don't care at all about that, and I have 
absolutely no interest whatsoever in _ever_ having priveledged 
access to anything from XFree86.org to be quite honest.  So don't 
twist words thanks.

What I am complaining about, is that people, including myself, 
whom did have authorized access to a particular service, and have 
been using it for over two years, did not receive proper 
notification that that service would be terminating.  Yes, some 
of the Nazgul did, but they weren't the only ones with authorized 
access to those services.  All I am asking, is that prior to 
disabling something people use every day, it is polite to at 
least notify them of this.

The only reason I (or anyone else for that matter) would use the 
master repositories, is that they are a bit faster, and always 
more up to date than a mirror.  I would have gladly started using 
the public mirror a year ago however, had I been asked to, or had 
I known that the master repository access was going bye-bye.

>It was an oversight that this service wasn't terminated at the same
>time as the other old member-only services when this list as opened
>up, and for that oversight I apologise.

That's fine, apology accepted.  But please don't try to make it
look like I'm upset about losing special access, as that is not
at all the case.  I'm upset because I've done many "cvs rdiff"  
operations in which I did not get the results I expected and
didn't have the time to figure out why, so I moved on to other

If there is anything else that I have any priveledged access to
with the master XFree86 password, please immediately revoke my
access to it, and notify me of the change if you'd be so kind.  

I would much prefer that over surprises like this.

Mike A. Harris

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