On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Ian Romanick wrote:

>>>where is the docs for the VSA based cards (voodoo4/voodoo5)?  I have
>>>been unable to locate them.
>> In a chest in a basement at Nvidia somewhere, with a lock on it, 
>> behind a bunch of old filing cabinets, in a room at the end of a 
>> very long hallway, with spiderwebs hanging everywhere, with a 
>> sign on the door which reads:
>>      "Beware of the leopard"
>I can just imagine it in a big warehouse like where the Ark ended up at 
>the end of Raiders. :)

Funny you mention Raiders...  I just watched it about 3 weeks 
ago, and the spiderwebs stuck in my mind and after mixing that in 
my brain mixmaster with some Adams, I came up with the above.  

Mike A. Harris

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