On Fri, 6 Feb 2004, [iso-8859-1] Suresh Chandra Mannava wrote:

> > There are two cases where XFree86 does need kernel
> > support.
> > * Chipsets like the i810/i815/i835/... family have
> > no framebuffer memory
> > but use main system memory for the framebuffer. This
> > requires agpgart 
> > support from the kernel.
> does agpgard is specificaly for AGP? or can we use it
> for PCI?

I've never used it, but I've seen references to pcigart,
which provides (some of) the features of the agpgart kernel
module for PCI devices.
After a quite google, I'm not sure whether it is actually a kernel
module, or part of the Mach64 DRI project:
suggests that it may come with the DRI, but 
suggests that it may come with the OS kernel.
(The first is quite old, but sugegsts that at the time pcigart
may not have had support for the Mach64).

My Mach64 is about 5 years old, and I've never needed a kernel
module for it, but I know that some of the later, more integrated,
versions were somewhat different.

As Tim Roberts says, even with system memory, you may not
need the gart functions, if the BIOS allocates enough memory
to the graphics unit. Since you are on a custom platform
that may or may not help you.

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Cambridge
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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