On Sun, 15 Feb 2004, Jonathan Isom wrote:

I have a Radeon 8500 that also locks up hard.  I enabled sysrq in my
kernel and lockup makes kernel too broken even for that.  I am currently
using 2.6.3-rc3, but all other kernels I tried lockup too.  It appears the
lockup is in the dri somewhere as the machine runs for days when no GUI
has been used.  I suspect that the problem may be in the OpenGL somewhere
because most of the time the machine is frozen on a OpenGL xscreensaver.
I haven't noticed a particular one though.  What I have been doing is
using the GUI for a while and then changing back to the console so the
machine does not lock up, but I have noticed that the machine is becoming
unstable even without the GUI running and a reboot is still necessary
eventually.  What I mean is that running the GUI eventually makes the
machine unstable even if it is not allowed to actually lockup. I have
tried various window managers and it does not seem to matter which one,
eventually all have locked up when left on for several hours.  I am going
to try uninstalling xscreensaver and leaving the GUI up to see what

> I've got a Radeon 7000 that locks up hard on a linux 2.4.23.  no logs are
> written & requiring power cycle.
> It locks in Quake3  in less that 7  minutes most times. some xscreensaver
> work fine,but havn't tried them all
>       jisom at inbox dot lv
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