On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, John Witford wrote:

>>> I'm curious why we would remove the code
>>> in question though; it should be harmless on any system which has the
>>> ioctl.  Perhaps the underlying test is broken?
>>yep, good question:(  we really should figure out
>>why this doesn't work as planed and fix the 
>>ioctl()-support, then the port I/O code isn't needed
>>for decent systems anymore...
>>and how about non-linux systems ?  does *BSD* support KDKBDREP

It is unlikely that BSD is using the os-support/linux/lnx_io.c
code, so disabling this in that file is unlikely to affect BSD at 

>IMO if there is no KDKBDREP ioctl then the keyboard rate
>should be left unchanged.  Simple, reliable, and effective.

Agreed.  Also,

>1. Pentium III 900MHz, Focus PS/2 keyboard with Asus CUSL2 mb
>2. Pentium I 166MHz, FC PS/2 keyboard with Triton II mb
>With Linux 2.2.17 and 2.4.9
>I note that RedHat configure their systems so that XFree
>uses virtual screen #6.  That cleverly masks the problem.

No.  A default Red Hat OS installation, be it Fedora Core, Red
Hat Enterprise Linux, or Red Hat Linux, will always default to
having 6 preconfigured virtual consoles.  This is the default
which most Linux operating systems have used since as far back as
I can remember, at least for the Linux OS's that I have
installed, including Slackware as far back as 1994.

The XFree86 default, is to start up on the next unused virtual
console, which is tty7 on any default Red Hat OS installation
(contrary to #6 quoted above).

If you are having XFree86 start up on virtual console #6, then 
your system is not configured to the default that the OS 
supplied, which is 6 preconfigured console logins in 

Red Hat OSs do not specify which VC XFree86 will start up on.  
It starts up on "the first unused virtual console" which is the
XFree86 default, and can be overridden if desired by using the
"vtXX" commandline switch to the server (man XFree86).

>>could you please check, why KDKBDREP_ioctl_ok() doesn't seem for 
>>you configuration ?  if KDKBDREP_ioctl_ok() would work for you,
>>it wouldn't be necessary to comment out that port I/O fallback stuff.
>I will have a look sometime.


I've narrowed the problem down currently in 4.3.0, to the code in 
lnx_io.c, which is largely 100% unmodified cut and pasted code 
directly from lnx_kbd.c.  Quite odd that that much code is 
duplicated between 2 files in the same directory.  The ioctl is 
failing when getting called 

>>> +  /*
>>> +   * This has the unfortunately side-effect of causing
>>> +   * the monitor to switch to virtual screen 6!
>>> +   */
>>IIRC, this is the very first such report.  any chance
>>that you're using rare/strange (broken?) hardware ?
>Much greater chance that I am using broken software
>that doesn't work with all hardware!


Not for long though, I should have a patch that fixes this soon
enough.  I'm going to change the code also to remove the ioport
based access entirely and to log a warning to the log file
instead, so that the X server doesn't cause the system to hang if
the keyboard repeat rate ioctl fails for any reason.

Mike A. Harris

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