On Sat, 28 Feb 2004, Matthieu Herrb wrote:

>While working on OpenBSD/amd64 support for XFree86, I found out that the 
>C preprocessor symbol for AMD64 machines was changed from __x86_64__ to 
>__AMD64__. But looking at what gcc defines on different AMD63 systems 
>(*BSD, Linux), it looks __AMD64__ is never used. Generally __amd64__ is 
>linux.cf add -D__AMD64__ to StandardCppDefines, so the code actually 
>works there.
>Also, in many places where checks are done for 64 bits arches, the test 
>is in the form
>#if defined(_LP64) || defined(__alpha__) .... || defined(__AMD64__).
>Since on the BSDs gcc defines _LP64, these conditions will be true. But 
>there are a few cases where the _LP64 test is missing.
>Any clues on how to fix that correctly (after 4.4) ? Instead of 
>enumerating all the LP64 arches in several different places, it would be 
>  better imho to make sure _LP64 is defined and only testing on this.

If the test is just to determine wether or not a 64bit
architecture is being built for, then __arch64__ is a better
test.   I've noticed a bunch of places in the source which test 
for each possible 64bit architecture, and which need to have any 
new 64bit arches added as time goes on.  __arch64__ would fix 
that also.

Mike A. Harris

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