On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 11:20:09AM +0100, Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Kevin E Martin wrote:
> > We would like to include DMX in the next XFree86 release.
> > 7. Add DMX and GLX Proxy support to Xinerama
> > 9. Add protocol and structures to support GLX Proxy (from SGI)
> Does GLX Proxy allow hardware accelerated GLX ?
> Does it allow  hardware accelerated GLX from remote machines
> independent of DMX ?
> If so GLX Proxy seems desireable on its own account.

GLXProxy is a DMX-specific GLX implementation that acts as a proxy
server for GLX protocol.  SGI wrote this code and donated it to the DMX
project.  It takes advantage of any hardware accelerated indirect
rendering that is already present on the back-end server to which it
attaches, but it won't create hardware accelerated indirect rendering on
a system that doesn't already have it.

I think many of us would very much like to have hardware accelerated
indirect rendering, and from time to time there has been talk of adding
it to the DRI project.  It's actually been on the "to do" list for the
DRI project from the original design days, but it's a large project and
there was little interest in funding it back when I was with PI and VA.
I'm still hopeful that it will eventually happen.
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