If you want tearless rendering you should be flipping.  Ie. render
to a non displayed portion of the framebuffer, then call XDGASetViewport
to display it after the copy is finished.  See the DGA test apps at
http://www.xfree86.org/~mvojkovi/, specifically texture.tar.gz.
If the texture and skull demos aren't tearless, there is a bug in the
DGA driver support for your card.


On Thu, 25 Nov 2004, Eugene Farinas wrote:

> Hi guys! We're developing a DGA program that render full screen at 1280x1024 
> 16 bpp 15fps the video image read from a sony camera, but we're experiencing 
> tearing artifacts during rendering. This is a part of the code that copies 
> the data to the frame buffer:
> void CAM_APP::DisplayImage_NoPartial(unsigned char* offset)
> {
>       register int j;
>       register unsigned long caddr = (unsigned long) offset;
>       for(j=0; j<iSize; caddr+=2,j++){
>       *( (unsigned short*) caddr ) = sTable[g_pBuf[j]];
>       }
> }
> Where the offset is the start of the buffer destination, and g_pBuf is the 
> data captured from the camera. we've tried copying the data during vertical 
> resync but we're still experiencing tearing on the image. We're using an AMD 
> gx2 geode processor w/ 128 mb ram and 8mb vram. I would like to ask your help 
> in removing the tearing artifacts. Thanks.
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