I have a question that concerns the attempt in (at least) two places in the code to first use an anonymous cloud and only if it fails retrieve a real one. Why is it implemented this way? In CloudTag an attempt is made to create an anonymous cloud and a SecurityException is even thrown if it fails. In BridgeServlet.getNode the same is done.
Should it not be left to the security implementation what cloud to use? An implementation of org.mmbase.security.Authentication delivers an implementation of org.mmbase.security.UserContext that is used by an implementation of org.mmbase.security.Authorization to determine what is allowed by that user. Attempts to use anonymous clouds are attempts to bypass security and should be avoided, I think.
I do not really have a good overview on the consequences of removing anonymous cloud usage, but it seems weird to allow this.
Ronald Wildenberg.
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  R.W.T. (Ronald) Wildenberg

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