Hi developers,

We would enjoy having technical developer meetings again. After talking with
some developers we came with the idea of changing the program a bit. Instead
of having many small presentations in which only an overview can be giving,
we want to have less presentation so we can tell much more about the
technical details. So no presenation for managers, but detailed stuff. This
meeting is only for MMBase developers, so the presentations can and will be
adapted to such an audience.

Possible agenda:
30 min. presentaton about the media project
30 min. presentation about the query project
30 min. discussion about the future of admin/apps
30 min. discussion about the future of MMBase
60 min. general Q&A and  socialize.

Possible dates:
We selected three possible dates:
        13 march 15:00 – 18:00
        14 march 15:00 – 18:00
        17 march 15:00 – 18:00
If you want to attend the meeting, please sent an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Specify the date that suits best.

Possible location:
The location will probably be at Submarine (Amsterdam). This depends on the
number of registrations. When your organization is having space for
developers meetings it would be nice to hear that from you.

I hope you are looking forward to such a meeting. If you have ideas,
location, somethings to tell, please let us know. And please sent Daniel
soon an email with your confirmation so we can give you information about
the exact place, date, and program.

Greetings Daniel (MMC)

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