Dear Benoit,

you just have to change the 'OrderMode' on your datasource.

Geoffrey Delmée

----- Mail Original -----
De: "benoit.billington" <>
Envoyé: Mercredi 15 Avril 2009 11:55:21 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: [development-axapta] Query QueryBuildDataSource - Distinct records

How can I have distinct record using the querybuilddatasource from AX 4.0 

If I was using AX 2009 i think i could use the addGroupBy method but what can I 
do with AX4.0 ? 

public void executeQuery() 
Query query = new Query(); 
QueryBuildDataSource qbsAppFamily; 
QueryBuildDataSource qbsInventTable; 
QueryBuildRange qbr, qbr2; 

qbsAppFamily = query.addDataSource(tablenum(ALXApplicationFamily));; 

qbsInventTable = qbsAppFamily.addDataSource(tablenum(InventTable) ); 

qbr = qbsInventTable.addRange(fieldNum(InventTable, ALFamilyCode)); 
qbr.value(strFmt('(ALXApplicationFamily.FamilyCode == ALFamilyCode)')); 



there's no relation between those 2 table, i just want to filter the 
ALXApplicationFamily table to show only the record present in the InventTable 
lines (since the FamilyCode is a field in that table) 

I managed to do it but if there are several times the same familyCode in 
InventTable, then it shows them all.... 

How can I specify "distinct" using QueryBuildDataSource 

or how can i use a select statement to work in a Form in the executeQuery 

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