On 01/05/2014 15:16, Grant Likely wrote:
> On Thu,  1 May 2014 03:09:51 +0200, Boris BREZILLON 
> <b.brezillon....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Signed-off-by: Boris BREZILLON <b.brezillon....@gmail.com>
>> ---
> No commit message? Immediate NAK. Please, make sure you write a
> description for each and every patch. This is not optional. Future
> readers want to know what this patch solves and any other information
> you can provide without having to read the diff.

My bad. I just sent a commit I forgot to rework to add a proper commit
I'll add a commit message describing the different options for the
"nand-rnd-mode" property and update the nand DT bindings documentation.

Best Regards,

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