On Saturday 02 November 2002 10:59 am, Togan Muftuoglu wrote:
> * w9ya; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02 Nov, 2002 wrote:
> >You might also look at what I am using now;
> >
> >clark connect at clarkconnect.org which is EASY to add to with standard
> > red hat rpm's, very secure, plus remote monitoring of servers, excellent
> > dynamic dns (if you need it) and good web management capabilites from
> > inside the lan (or outside if you add some packages)
> >and their office product - whcih has most of the features you will
> > probably need already rolled in
> Thanks but I would appreciate if you just send a reply to the list so I
> can grab my very own copy. I do not understand why many people people
> perefer to either CC or TO to the person who is already on a mailinglist
> and has not specifically asked to be send a *private copy*. Is this
> something lack of MUA if so change and get aproper one. If nopt then
> think before act why should I receive two copies of something when one
> is enough and think about bandwidth
> Do nat take this personally yet this is what I believe was and is and
> will be Netetiquete or was that about Jazz :-)

Gee....so sorry. It won't happen again...I promise !!


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