On Monday 08 December 2003 08:19 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Quoting Dan Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 11:06:47PM -0800, Des Dougan wrote:
> > > > Given Red Hat's stated direction, and the lack of clarity of how
> > > > Fedora Core will develop, might v 7.0 be the time to address basing
> > > > the server on a different distribution to provide a more stable base
> > > > than FC may
> >
> > be
> >
> > > > able to provide?
> > >
> > > Which distribution did you have in mind?  Theoretically, a switch to
> > > Debian (for example) isn't too drastic because the core configuration
> > > and architecture of E-smith is in the Perl template/events structure.
> > > In practice it would be a huge amount of work and the upgrade
> > > path would be a real challenge.
> >
> > I think a move to a stable distro like Debian would have a number of
> > advantages (not least of which might be a new pool of willing
> > volunteers!). It also has the best update/install system (in APT) that I
> > have come across.
> >
> > I can see that the upgrade path would be a big issue though.
> >
> >
> > Dan.
> Well, Here is what I've seen so far.
> Redhat and RPM although relible and well estabilshed are NOT good package
> management systems. Too much micromanagment is required on the part of the
> system administrator.
> Debain Supports both RPM and APT, there are a number of tools that will
> cross install. The main issue would be the minor diffrences in file system
> layout (Debain is also more efficent than RedHat in this respect). Debain
> also recently modified anaconda to support apt!
> One good system that comes to mind is Gentoo, as they have "THE BEST"
> package management system I've ever used (On a linux distro). It's more
> akin to the BSD "Ports" tree, however seeing as this is a firewall, haveing
> a complier handy is not the greatest idea.

If you believe in apt and like BSD style ports and want the ultimate in KISS 
(keep it simple stupid) you might want to look at the package management in 
the arch-linux distro. It is quite obvious that the developers have studied 
the faults and piccadillos in rpm, urpm, tgz, apt, and have created an 
amazing package management system. I switched to this for most of my 
development a year ago, and have stayed with it longer than any other distro 
I have tried over the past 6 years. (Yes, I am picky and demanding.)

For those of you that will want to confuse your opinion of me with arch linux 
and wont give it a looksee; well I am not a developer and "mores the pity" 
for you.

The only other distro I would even remotely consider these days would be 
open-BSD. However I think linux may well be a better fit for the future.

Very best regards;

Bob Finch
Computers That Work

> So here is the ages old debate,
> Which distro and do I need a complier? Since the future of redhat is murky,
> perhaps the Dev Crew would contact Redhat? Simply because re-codeing the
> wheel is a gargantuian task.
> Personally, I think E-smith should be developed for OpenBSD, it's there,
> supports all the packages that e-smith uses and is inherently more secure
> than linux of any kind. As of 3.4 the ld linker loads libraries in a
> randomized order effectivly nullifying or making buffer overflows
> increadably difficult. It also has a stable tree, has a reputation and a
> huge following in the security industry. Perhaps there were liscencing
> issues?
> Either way, I hope you all feel that this is food for though and not a
> complete waste of time. The open source playing feild is pretty daunting at
> times, and E- smith may be locked into one core by virtue of the scrpts
> used.
> Just my two cents,
> Hazen.
> Where my perl skills sharper and my free time more plentiful I'd do it
> myself.
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