> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 5:43 AM
> Subject: [e-smith-devinfo] e-smith/sme at sourceforge ?
> why we do not use sourceforge.net for e-smith/SME ?
> Peter Schubert

Probably time for me to jump in here and give you an update as to what we
have been doing at contribs.org.

1.  There is a new project at SourceForge called SME Server.  It wasn't
announced earlier because we are waiting for permsssion to use the name from
Mitel. (If we don't get that permission the name will be changed).
Currently, there is no activity on SourceForge but it is anticipated that SF
will be used to host ISOs and potentially CVS treees and Bug Tracking.  Too
early to tell but we're looking at all of the options.

Richard Morrell has made some good points about SF, and they bear looking
into.  If Gforge turns out to be the correct answer we'll supply the
hardware and bandwith and get it going.  Richard has already replied to an
offlist inquiry and has offered his assistance. (Thanks Richard!)

2.  We are *very* close to having the "subscribe via email to the forums"
functionality in place.  It is not a core function of the Phorum package so
we have been working to get this resolved.  Should be ready to go in a day
or so. (Thanks Hsing-Foo!)

3.  A listserv has been setup (Thanks Shad!) to host devinfo and a few other
lists.  We have been able to migrate all of the devinfo history over and are
waiting to coordinate with Mitel for the migration of the list.

There is another list that has been setup called "devteam".  Currently it is
a closed list in order to get some work done without a hell of a lot of
traffic.  But it is VIEWABLE right now as anything on the list is public.
There are NO background conversations going on that are not available to be
seen and commented on in the public lists.  Since it just came up yesterday
it is not too thriling at the moment :>

The listserv is at http://lists.contribs.org/mailman

You may subscribe to any list there.  The Forums lists will be active soon,
and the devteam list will be receive only.  If you feel you have something
to contribute to devteam please contact me offlist for posting rights.  To
answer the obvious question right up front, devteam currently consists of:
Greg Zartman, Shad Lords, Abe Loveless, Hsing-Foo Wang, Stephen Noble,
Darell May, and myself.

How were these people chosen?  Actually, randomly :>  They stepped up to
offer assistance at exactly the right time.  This list is not "closed", it
is simply a start at a small group of known contributors (and myself) who
are trying to get some organizational issues handled.  Eventually, this list
will either be expanded significantly or closed and the discussions moved to

4.  We are working on a new front end to contribs.org that will offer some
more features.  It is a wiki based system and we are very close to rolling
it out.  That should be on track for mid January.

We are working very hard to figure out how to integrate file libraries and
the weblinks into the front page search engine on the site.  Easily said but
not easily done.  I believe someone on the list has already stated that may
be the "holy grail".  We will continue to see what can be done.

5.  It has been less than two weeks since Mitel made their announcment.  We
have been buried with operational change requirements and are working as
fast as we can to accommodate all of the very good suggestions that have
been made.  A little patience and we'll get this thing up and running in a
way that will support wherever the community wants to go with it.

We have been frankly overwhelmed by the offers of help and money that we've
received.  It's obvious that there is far more support and assistance
available than is seen by the posts on this list alone.  I personally
believe that this distro is superb (Thanks Mitel!) and that it has a future.
These discussions are normal and indicative of a healthy process.  Let's
keep them going!

We're putting our money and efforts where our mouths are to see if we can
help it along.  Just be a touch patient with the infrastructure part and
we'll have it up to speed as soon as possible.


On behalf of contribs.org

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