On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 09:54:35AM -0700, Ian Clarke wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 01:52:47PM +0100, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > My main problem with freenet atm is that it crashes all the time. This
> > is apparently a problem with Kaffe. One could argue that it is a release
> > stopper, since freenet is supposed to work with free software,
> I strongly disagree, it is hard enough to get a release out without 
> adding yet-another precondition (Kaffe working correctly) over which we 
> have little or no control.  Freenet can be used with free JVMs, but I 
> don't think we should punish ourselves for bugs in those JVMs, if 
> someone really wants to use Freenet they can pester Kaffe to fix their 
> bugs.

I agree. We do our part to target kaffe, but we cannot be responsible for
it's stability.

> > but I
> > have no idea how to fix it. And I don't think 0.5 is close, there's
> > plenty to do first (for example ARKs).
> Do we really want to implement every idea we have thought of prior to 
> 0.5?  I don't think so.  My criteria for 0.5 release is fixing current 
> bugs, I think all the features we need are already in-there (not to say 
> that more can't be added before 0.5, but 0.5 shouldn't be delayed 
> because of them).

We can't go up a number until the datastore issues are resolved, but
beyond that I don't think we need to wait for more features. 

> I have never really understood what is so great about ARKs anyway - 
> exactly what are the symptoms of the problem ARKs resolve?

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Oskar Sandberg

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